Currently there are four active panes in this application…The Introduction pane, the Chapter pane, the Comprehensive Concordance Greek pane, and the Comprehensive Concordance English pane. All of the panes may be adjusted for width. Once the Chapter pane is open a search bar will appear in a corresponding Comprehensive Concordance English Pane. Copy and paste is also available in all panes.

INTRODUCTION PANE: This is the pane you are currently in while reading these instructions. Within this pane are the Book and Chapter drop down boxes, where you can choose a book and chapter from The Apostolic Bible Polyglot. Once the choice of chapter has been made, the Chapter pane will open along with the Comprehensive Concordance English search bar.

CHAPTER PANE: The Chapter Pane displays all of the verses of the chapter of the book chosen...which looks much like the printed edition. One may now choose a Greek word by hovering over and clicking the AB-Strong number, and the Comprehensive Concordance Greek pane will then open and feature the Greek word; or, one may choose an English word that appears below the Greek word and the Comprehensive Concordance English pane will open. Currently there is no action when hovering over the Greek word.

COMPREHENSIVE CONCORDANCE GREEK PANE: When the AB-Strong number is chosen in the Chapter Pane then all of the verses in The Apostolic Bible Polyglot that contain that number will appear in the Comprehensive Concordance Greek Pane to the right. The Greek word for number 746 has synonym English words, such as "ancient, company, corner, source, rule, sovereignty, office, head, sum, top.” These English words will need to be searched on their own via either the English words in the Chapter Pane, or the search bar. Another feature in this pane is that one may select the book, chapter & verse from the list on the left in red, and that verse will then appear in the Chapter Pane to the left.

COMPREHENSIVE CONCORDANCE ENGLISH PANE: When an English word is chosen in the Chapter Pane, then all of the verses in The Apostolic Bible Polyglot that contain the combination of that English word and corresponding AB-Strong number will appear in the Comprehensive Concordance English Pane to the right. English words may also be searched via the search bar. Another feature in this pane is that one may select the book, chapter & verse from the list, and that verse will then appear in the Chapter Pane to the left.

Some words, like "the" and "and", are called "far & wide words,” and they do not have links as they are too numerous.

To look up something without losing your current place, just click the "New Page" button at the top and a new Introduction pane will appear.

Please visit for more info.

Contact: Charles Van der Pool, Translator, or Steve Morrison, Application developer

We hope and pray that you will find this application helpful as you study God's Precious Word.